Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weeks 23-25: (MFW weeks 22-24)

As usual I've fallen behind on blogging our Adventures! So, today I'm going to get caught up and try to get back on track!

During MFW week 22 we learned that Jesus is the Head of the Body (Colossians 1:18).

We also studied Illinois and Alabama this week. We read about George Washington Carver and Rosa Parks (both spent much/all of their life in Alabama). Then we read more about how the Pioneers traveled in covered wagons while moving west. We also made a covered wagon...but, Dario was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to play with it (I was pretty sure it would NOT stand up to his type of play!).

In Science this week we started learning about our body. We read about bones and muscles, what happens to the food that we eat, and we also did an experiment to see how much air our lungs hold.

Here are the books we used this week:

Dario continues to work on his multiplication facts...he has pretty nearly mastered the 0, 1, 5, and 10 families! YEAH!

MFW week 23 we continued our study of the states. We added Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, and Michigan to our map. While studying these states this week we also spent some time reading and learning about the Pony Express. I found a couple of "Daily Warm Ups" at Teacher Vision that we used this week. Dario completed one for Rosa Parks and one about the Pony Express.

We continued our study on the body this week. We read about our brain and our senses and we also conducted a taste test. This was to see how foods tasted on different parts of our tongue, and also how important smell is to the way our food tastes.

We finally started our next Read Aloud..."On the Banks of Plum Creek" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This time we are listening to the CD's...typically during our lunch break. I'm hoping the next Read Aloud we can go back to reading as a family at bedtime.

In math this week, Dario continued to work on his mulitiplication facts. We've added the 2's family and he is doing really great! He also continues to review many other concepts daily using the iPad. I'm starting to see some real improvement in his retention of previously learned concepts.

Here are the books we read this week:

MFW week 24 brought us Samuel Morse. We read about his life and eventual invention of the telegraph and Morse Code. We saw how Mr. Morse, like other inventors before him, thought he would spend his life in pursuit of the arts (painting in particular), but, instead went on to invent the telegraph. This took many years, and many sacrifices on his part. We used the Morse code to decipher a message...a worksheet I found at Teacher Vision.

This week in Science we did a taste test while learning how acid in food makes the food taste sour.

We also saw how the acid in Coke will clean the dirt right off of a penny!

We also read about our lungs and how they work. To go along with this, we watched the Bill Nye the Science Guy video about respiration. Dario loves these videos!

This week we also learned another name for Jesus. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Revelation 17:14). To remind us of this, we made a crown to set on the kitchen table.

In Math this week, we went back to our math curriculum and completed a chapter on graphs. Dario also started learning the 4's family of multiplication facts. He continues to do really great with his multiplication facts! Better than his addition and subtraction!

Here are the books we read this week:

Well, it feels good to get caught up! Let's see if I can stay on track from here on out!

I am linked directly to the Weekly Wrap-Up and the Ultimate Homeschool Blog and at Discover Their Gifts.

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